Exploring PIF4’s contribution to early flowering in plants underdaily variable temperature and its tissue-specific flowering gene network

Exploring PIF4’s contribution to early flowering in plants underdaily variable temperature and its tissue-specific flowering gene network




Exploring PIF4’s contribution to early flowering in plants underdaily variable temperature and its tissue-specific flowering gene network


Dr. Charoensawan and his colleagues at Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University, UK, have taken a multidisciplinary approach to explore the contribution of the gene PIF4 to the early flowering observed in the daily variable temperature and to broaden its transcriptional network using publicly available transcriptomic data. The network modelreveals conserved and tissue-specific regulatory functions, which are useful for con-firming as well as predicting the functions and regulatory interactions between thesekey flowering genes.


WileyDOI: 10.1002/pld3.339


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SDGs_Goal-7 SDGs-Goal 11
BC investigator
Varodom Charoensawan Assoc. Prof. Varodom Charoensawan