Single-cell temporal analysis of natural dengue infection reveals skin-homing lymphocyte expansion one day before defervescence

Single-cell temporal analysis of natural dengue infection reveals skin-homing lymphocyte expansion one day before defervescence



Dr. Charoensawan and his team have analyzed single-cell transcriptomic profiles of the peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples from two DENV patients, collected daily during acute phase and also at convalescence, and demonstrated different dynamic responses over the course of the infection. On the day before defervescence (Day −1), we observed the peak expression of several prominent genes in the adaptive immunological pathways. We also characterized unique effector T cell clusters that expressed skin-homing signature genes at Day −1, whereas upregulation of skin and gut homing genes was also observed in plasma cells and plasmablasts during the febrile period. This work provides an overview of unique molecular dynamics that signify the entry of the critical phase, and the findings could improve the patient management of DENV infection.







Arora JK, Opasawatchai A, Poonpanichakul T, Jiravejchakul N, Sungnak W; DENFREE Thailand, Matangkasombut O, Teichmann SA, Matangkasombut P, Charoensawan V. Single-cell temporal analysis of natural dengue infection reveals skin-homing lymphocyte expansion one day before defervescence. iScience. 2022 Mar 5;25(4):104034.

DOI: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104034


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Varodom CharoensawanAssoc. Prof. Varodom Charoensawan