Enhanced Functional Properties of Three DNA Origami Nanostructures as Doxorubicin Carriers to Breast Cancer Cells

Enhanced Functional Properties of Three DNA Origami Nanostructures as Doxorubicin Carriers to Breast Cancer Cells


        Our group demonstrated that DNA origami nanostructures with different structural designs exhibited different drug delivery functionalities. We investigated three nanostructures: Disc, Donut, and Sphere, and found that Donut was the most stable and showed the highest doxorubicin-loading capacity. The specificity of the uptake of these DNA nanostructures was enhanced by the Mucin1 aptamer modification; however, doxorubicin cytotoxicity in breast cancer cells appeared to be maximized in Donut when compared to other nanostructure, implicating that three-dimensional Donut proved to be the most efficient nanocarrier among the three designs.
TK_research highlight


Udomprasert A, Wootthichairangsan C, Duangrat R, Chaithongyot S, Zhang Y, Nixon R, et al. Enhanced Functional Properties of Three DNA Origami Nanostructures as Doxorubicin Carriers to Breast Cancer Cells. Acs Appl Bio Mater. 2022;5(5):2262–72.


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Thaned Kangsamaksin Assoc. Prof. Thaned Kangsamaksin