BC Faculty Seminar “Molecular mechanism and application of light-emitting enzyme” by Asst. Prof. Ruchanok Tinikul Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science Mahidol University
Category: BC Seminar
BC Faculty Seminar: February 3, 2021
BC Faculty Seminar “Exploring new glycomimetics to target a lectin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa” by Dr. Sakonwan Kuhaudomlarp Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science Mahidol University
BC Faculty Seminar: December 2, 2020
BC Faculty Seminar “Small molecules inducing stem cell differentiation and inhibiting survival of SAR-CoV-2” by Asst. Prof.Patompon Wongtrakoongate Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science Mahidol
BC Faculty Seminar: November 4, 2020
BC Faculty Seminar “Alternative therapeutic approaches for multidrug resistant Clostridioides difficile” by Assoc. Prof. Tavan Janvilisri Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science Mahidol University
BC Faculty Seminar: October 7, 2020
BC Faculty Seminar “The shrimp microsporidian Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP): Biology, Pathology, Diagnostics and Control” by Asst. Prof. Ornchuma Itsathitphaisarn Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science
BC Faculty Seminar: August 5, 2020
BC Faculty Seminar “Calcium sensors copines in normal and diseased brain and beyond” by Dr. Mikhail Khvochtchev Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science Mahidol University
BC Faculty Seminar; March 4, 2020
BC Faculty Seminar “DNA origami applications in cancer theranostics” by Assoc. Prof. Thaned Kangsamaksin Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science Mahidol University
BC Special Seminar; February 17, 2020
BC Special Seminar “Genome and protein engineering to study RNA biology in cancer” by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tony Gutschner (PhD) Head of Junior Research Group ‘RNA
BC Special Seminar; January 31, 2020
BC Special Seminar “PRH a novel driver of cholangiocarcinoma and response to CDK4/6 inhibition” by Prof. Dr. Padma-Sheela Jayaraman Senior Lecturer Cancer Biology Institute for